Monday, November 23, 2009


If you come across a seemingly foreign word, try reading it backwards to see if it's another word in reverse.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Hot glue/clothing

If a small amount of hot glue drips onto your clothes (the ideal would be a small bead), leave it alone and allow it to dry. You can then pick it off.

If you attempt to remove it while it's still molten, you're more likely to smear it and mesh it more finely in your clothing's threads, making it impossible to fully remove.

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Glue gun/spray paint

Be careful when using a hot glue gun for arts and crafts. If the hot tip of a glue gun touches a layer of dried paint, the paint will melt and expose the original surface.

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Yellow Light

As a rule of thumb, while driving towards a traffic light that's just turned yellow, if it would take extra-hard braking to come to a complete stop, keep driving- you're likely to make it through just fine.

If you can comfortably come to a complete stop, do so. Lights tend to be timed in relation to the speed limits of the street.

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Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Mechanic conversation

When you take your car to a mechanic to be fixed, if you reliably understand the problem, don't tell your Mechanic. Instead describe the symptoms and ask for advice on what to do. You can then compare your knowledge against his advice and proceed.

Otherwise, if you're wrong, the mechanic will attempt to fix a problem that wasn't there and charge you all the same.

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Card Accident

If you accidentally leave your card in ATM after completing your transaction, the machine will swallow and destroy it after 10 seconds on inactivity. You'll then have to contact your bank for a new card.

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