Saturday, July 30, 2011

Confirmation bias

In skepticism, "confirmation bias" is a state of mind in which you remember evidence that supports your position and ignore or forget evidence to the contrary, which works to keep a cherished belief safe.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cable monopoly

There is only one cable provider per area. This is because in every area one cable company will own all the physical cable necessary to provide service. If another service provider comes into the area, it's because they've bought the area from the previous service provider.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Belated tickets

If you've searched the internet for tickets to an event, make sure the page you come across isn't from the previous year(s)- always check the date before purchasing.

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If you have a new bow for archery without a string, buy/commission a string that is 3 inches shorter than the height written on the side of the bow.

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Arrow ratings

When making arrows for archery, use arrow shafts that have been "spined" (rated for use) at 10 pounds heavier than the draw-weight of the bow for which they're intended.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

[Blank] is a four-letter word

When something's called "a four letter word," it's meant to be profane; in the English language most swear words are four letters.

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