Sunday, September 30, 2007

A brief history of kissing

The earliest written record of the act of kissing came from India. Before that, the closest thing were Indian accounts of "sniffing," in which two lovers would tenderly touch their noses to their cheeks.

It was only after Alexander the Great went to India that kissing began appearing in records in the west. It came to Greece, then to Rome, after conquering Greece. The Roman civilization spread kissing throughout its conquered territories, thus establishing it into Western civilization.

Kissing is not naturally part of the human speciies, because when North America began to be explored, there were written accounts of Native Americans being shocked and apalled at the idea of kissing, for they believed it was an act of stealing the soul.

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Monday, September 17, 2007


The "japanese room divider thingy" is called a "Shoji Screen."

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Heat and expansion of metal

If you heat a sheet of metal with a hole in it, the hole in the middle will enlarge as the metal expands.

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Space spinoffs

Many technological benefits were created indirectly from space programs, such as microwave ovens, smoke detectors, and composite materials, just to name a few. This advancements from space, on earth, are called "space spinoffs."

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Candles and glass

Glass, because it's a poor conductor, is great for containing a candle's heat. However, if you lean a candle against glass, the glass will shatter after a period of 15 minutes.

If you're using a glass cup as a container for a lit candle, center the candle in the vessel. If you lean a lit candle against the side of the cup, the glass will shatter.

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Credit card info (not mine)

When you use your credit card online, make sure you put in your name exactly as it's spelt. If there is any difference, even as small as a middle initial missing, the order will not be processed and you'll spend weeks waiting for a package that will never be shipped.

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Clothing sizes

Buy clothes for the size you are, not for the size you want to be.

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Sunday, September 02, 2007

Break your legs

Never lend out money you can't say goodbye to.

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Saturday, September 01, 2007

Women will never work on a yellow submarine

Women aren't employed on submarines because in the small space of a sub, where every square foot has to matter, it's simply not possible to have a separate restrooms for female submariners.

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